主客户端有一个189.3MB和一个45.4MB的更新 除了BUG修复,后台也加入一些套装
- 修复德鲁伊的熊灵对敌人使用邪恶镰刀会导致服务器崩溃的问题
- 减少低端配置下的内存使用率
- 修复没有调整过设置的玩家刚进入游戏时视频设置错误的问题
- 修复观众未载入房间会导致整个房间载入失败的问题
- 修复守卫组合中的岗哨守卫放置后不提供临时视野的问题
- 修复使用alt-tab或修改视频设置会导致崩溃的问题
- 优化了启动客户端失败时的错误报告情况
- 修复了工程师的地雷和炸弹在引爆后没有马上消失的问题
- 视频设置中增加了中度质量阴影的选项
- 优化了树叶阴影的精细度
- 个人资料的近期比赛栏中现在可以设置隐藏自定义游戏和练习赛。现在还会显示天梯匹配的积分变化情况
- 修复兵器库中不可删除的物品会显示删除选项的问题
- 修复在英雄选择开始后连接进入的观众会随机选择英雄的问题
- 修复主宰的剑绑定的特效错误抵消的问题
- 修复通过观战比赛解锁的款式未正确显示解锁要求的问题
- 现在房间大厅会显示每个房间的地区,联赛房间会标有联赛图标
- 房间解说页面不会再遮住玩家栏,而且会在有人加入解说栏后自动打开
目前后台看到有一些套装跟ESL的珍藏有关 有6个套装 第一个是冰女套装
些套装目前只是加入后台 何时推出还不知道 不过也可能很快
猛犸套 由著名画师KUNKKA制作 载入画面:
逗比蓝猫梅花琵琶套 有种说不出的违和感
剑圣套装 这个面具好想吐槽 逗比无极限
女王套 对比其他几套 这套感觉还是不错的
有新图标 但是不一定会加入游戏:
也有一只新的未发布信使加入后台 我想说这杂交四不像是什么鬼
现在最近游戏也可以根据分类查看 HOHO
现在进入好友或者陌生人的个人资料 邀请游戏 观看比赛 发消息 解除好友的选项位置也做了调整 改到下图红框右上角的位置(如果不是好友 有添加为好友选项) HOHO
现在进入武器库查看物品 如果该物品有宝石 样式 注释等等 都可以显示正确
但目前各个功能还没开放 所以还无法打孔 镶嵌 选择样式等等
当然 今天的重磅消息还是来自DOTA2的官方开发者论坛
冰蛙在该论坛公布下周将很有可能发布6.85更新(很多人期待已久) 不过为了能赶上比赛 大部分是平衡性更新 以便用于秋季锦标赛资格赛
Fixed a bug where spectators failing to load would cause a lobby to fail entirely。
Fixed a bug where sentry wards placed via ward dispensers were not temporarily granting vision。
Fixed a crash that could occur when using alt-tab or changing video settings。
Improved error reporting for cases where starting the client fails。
Fixed techies mines not consistently disappearing on detonation。
Added a medium quality shadow option to the video settings。
Improved the shadow accuracy when the shadows are cast from foliage。
The Recent Games section of the profile now allows you to hide custom games (as well as practice games)。 The list now also displays MMR changes for ranked matchmaking games。
Fixed bug where items in the armory that cannot be deleted would show the Delete option。
Fixed a bug where spectators who connected after hero selection could pick a random hero。
Fixed a bug where the effects tied to Juggernaut's sword would be incorrectly offset。
Fixed a bug where styles that were unlocked by spectation requirements were not displaying that requirement correctly in the UI。
The Lobby Browser now displays each lobby's region and marks league lobbies with a league icon。
The region of a lobby can now be changed after a lobby is created。
Improved the experience of quickly creating a lobby (previous lobby settings will be used by default)。
Lobbies now display the host name in the header。
The lobby broadcaster tab will not cover player rows and will be automatically opened the first time someone joins a broadcaster slot。
OSX: Fixed an occasional hang at the hero selection screen。
PET: If an individual item and an item set both had the same name, selecting the item set to use with the preview model previously would only cause the individual item to appear。 Now selecting the set will cause the whole set to appear。
SFM: Fixed Character Picker coming up empty。
SFM: Fixed bugs with sound playback while stepping/scrubbing time。
SFM: Fixed bug preventing instancing particle systems。
Workshop: Released the first version of the Source 2 Workshop Item Tools:steamcommunity点com/games/dota2/announcements/detail/792987731038998006
Fixed server crash when Lone Druid's bear would hex an enemy with Scythe of Vyse。
Reduced video memory usage on low-end systems。
Fixed incorrect video settings at startup if the user had never adjusted settings。
Workshop Import Tool:
Fixed a bug where uploaded items wouldn't show revenue sharing options。
Fix for bug where picking additional wearable items to preview sometimes removed all wearable items。
Added more information to the import log。
Removed heroes without workshop support。
Added 。smd to file browser。
Fixed a crash when opening VConsole from Workshop Import Tool。