所以,综上所述我们发现一个check point (路标?)系统工作的很好。整个冒险过程里,总的来说在地下城的每一层的结尾你的角色都会被存储到一个存储点里。你死的时候你会回到上一个存储点,复活时有一点血,其他的会慢慢回复。显然这是个很友善的系统。另外现在考虑死亡惩罚还太早。
Re: I'm dead, and what now? | 9/29/2008 8:51:03 PM GMTDT
Before I get in to what we are doing let me go over some things we want to avoid with a death mechanic.
We want to separate being in town and being out on a quest/adventure/dungeon as much as possible. Leaving the safety of a town should not be a decision you take lightly. We don't want to remove the sense of suspense and danger by making town something you're always going back to pretty much whenever you like. The intent is to create a greater separation from being in town, and not, and to make your time away from town a lot more tense.
On that same note we also don't want to remove the player from the action. Throwing them back to town for every death really breaks up the action, and not in a fun, interesting, or necessary way.
So, with these things in mind we've found that a check point system works really well. Throughout your adventures, and generally at the ends of each "floor" of a dungeon your character is saved to a checkpoint. When you die you're dropped back at the last checkpoint with a small amount of health, and the rest regenerates slowly. It's obviously a very forgiving system as it is. It's just too early to put a ton of thought in to what penalties there should be, if any, added on top of it.
Regardless, potential penalties aside, this is the death mechanic we're currently using and it's working really well so far.
>>暗黑破坏神3 专区