In Diablo 1 there was the great system where anyone could learn any spell via spellbooks(which I believed was the greatest thing ever). I was wondering if there would be something implemented like this again for D3? I don't mean all spells for D3, I just mean a select set or so that anyone can learn if their characters power/magic/knowledge is high enough. I would like to see this to add variety to gameplay and because in real life if there were casters and such, then others besides just those select casters could learn those spells.
在D1中,有一个非常好的系统就是任何人都可以通过法术书来获得任何法术。(我认为这是非常棒的。) 我很好奇在D3中是不是会有这样的设计?我不是说D3中所有的法术,我的意思是选取一定的技能,这样的话只要玩家的人物的力量/魔法/智力足够的高,他们就可以学到这些技能.我希望这个能加进游戏中去,因为在现实中如果有法师或者类似的施法者,那么那些不是法师的人是可以向他们学习法术的.
That came back in Diablo II too eventually in the form of rune words, and I don't think it really worked out too well in the end. I do think it actually could be designed and implemented properly; balanced, etc. but...
For me the more important question though is what impact does it have on the class you're playing and also our knowledge of the Diablo world? Is a class nothing more than someone who read from a book, or is holding a specific item? No, they're very specific and very iconic figures (heroes even) from very distinct styles and backgrounds. The characters we play are these concentrated images of their cultures, beliefs, etc. Everything they do resembles who they are and where they're from, and what does it mean to then piecemeal that out to any one who just happens to throw a couple runes in to an item.
It worked better in Diablo (1) I think. Conceptually it was a bit easier to digest just because of the basic pen and paper underpinnings, and the heroes were far more generic. It was also far less obtrusive.
In Diablo II though, for me anyway, it always undermined the uniqueness of playing a specific class, and also what it meant to be that character. Aside from everything else it caused.
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