发这个帖子的目的是因为在论坛经常会看到因为帐号锁定而茫然不知所措,以为自己被封号而求助的人,其实不不用担心,有时候美服的IP检测过于繁 琐,这也是因为他们的安全令牌有一个功能,就是如果你不更改IP登陆你的帐号,则你只要在第一次输入安全令牌。当然,这个可以在账户选项中修改为“登陆都 需要验证码”。顺便吐槽一下,有时候在学校玩,回家玩就让我从新改密码,让我情何以堪啊,所以我才翻了一页邮箱就找到了这种邮件
Due to suspicious activity, the Battle.net account [你的战网帐号] has been locked. To restore access to this account, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Secure Your Computer
In the event that your computer has been infected with malicious software such as a keylogger or trojan, simply changing your password may not deter future attacks without first ensuring that your computer is free from these programs. Please visit our Account Security website to learn how to secure your computer from unauthorized access.
Step 2: Secure Your E-mail Account
After you have secured your computer, please create a new password for your e-mail account since it may also be compromised. Be sure to check your e-mail filters and rules and look for any e-mail forwarding rules that you did not create. For more information on securing your e-mail account, visit this Support page.
Step 3: Choose a New Password
You must change your password in order to resume using this Battle.net account. Please click this link to choose a new password:
*Note that your former password no longer grants access to Battle.net account management, World of Warcraft, or any other login-protected Battle.net account service.
If you still have questions or concerns after following the steps above, feel free to contact Customer Support at [ 点击进入. ]
The Battle.net Account Team
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