消息:中国战队 Beyond our Cyber与欧洲战队 Incredible Panic刚刚结束合作,便火速与另外一直欧洲战队 Because We Care达成新的合作。两队将合作成立 Bwc!BoC,而原iP的两名选手 BoC.Moonfans、 BoC.uhen也将跟随BoC一起离开iP。
BoC.7Night(BoC队长): (翻译:SkyForeverKing|Tatazu.com) 首先,我们要向 iP战队说声抱歉。 从这个页面的新闻中http://proplay.ru/news/14407/,我们得知IP.WC3不再需要中国选手了,其中也包括了 uhen和Moonfans。所以iP和 BoC的合作也到此结束。uhen和Moonfans他们选择了离开iP回到了BoC。这很不利于我们在欧洲的发展。 但几乎在同时,另一支战队的领队对BoC产生了兴趣。他人很好,我们交流的很愉快。那就是已经拥有Goblin的 BWC战队。BWC的领队坚信中国的魔兽依然在生存、中国选手都精力充沛,所以他不仅想和BoC的队员合作,更想和BoC战队合作。 所以我们达成了共识,BoC将变成BWC战队的中国分部。BWC有权让BoC的任何一名队员为他们征战各大联赛。他们必须要用 Bwc!BoC作为他们的队标;BoC也有权在赛程不冲突的情况下让BWC的选手们为我们BoC征战。 希望我们能成为一颗新星。GG,GL! 原文: First, we feel sorry for Ip.wc3. From this web Newshttp://proplay.ru/news/14407/ , we can make sure that IP.WC3 will no longer use Chinese players recently, include Moonfans and bosuhe. So the cooperation between IP and BoC have to end up. Moonfans and Bosuhe,what they choose is to leave IP and go back to BoC. It is really a bad News for our development in europe。 But at the same time ,another team manager show his interest to BoC. He is a kind man we have made a pleasant conversation. It is Team of BWC manager who had got a good Chinese player GobLin ,he feel Chinese war3 is still alive and Chinese player is so energetic that he want to make a new cooperation with BoC.Not only for Chinese player,but also Chinese war3 market. So we make a deal,BoC will become the chinese war3 part of BWC. BWC can use all of the players in BoC and when they join the match in BWC,they should use Bwc!BoC before their ID. also, BoC can use the player of BWC,when match is not in clash. wish it will become a new star. Good Game. Good Luck! |