近期电子竞技最大的新闻就是WCG取消PC项目,这个流言在国际上也引起了轰动,根据国外网站的消息,WCG CEO Brad Lee亲口确认了WCG会将移动游戏作为未来发展的重点,但是其中没有说道要完全取消PC项目,所以WCG的最终结果还是要等官方公布,根据中国区主办方NEOTV的消息,他们也在积极的争取PC项目,毕竟2012年和13年世界总决赛在中国进行,全部信内容如下:
In recent years, the gaming and IT trends have been moving so fast. In the current status of gaming and IT industry, one of the most remarkable information to us was the mobile shipments have exceeded the PC shipments.
As wide spread mobile devices, mobile gamer would rapidly increase as well. In this situation, the major PC game publishers have been expanding their investment and business in the mobile game development & publishing.
This information was very cruel to us since we had been committed to the PC-Based gaming event for long time. We have witnessed that there have been many companies and organizations who went out of business because they didn't put effort to change. Therefore we concluded that we should create WCG's new identity.
Under this circumstance, we made a hard decision that we should bring the mobile, new key sector in the game industry, in our event concept. Hence, WCG decided to start the Mobile Game-Based Festival.
To create the Mobile Game-Based Festival, WCG is under the discussion with the sponsors and game publishers regarding new event structure and the countries for new festival. Therefore, there will be no longer present event module, such as Pan Championship, and PC-Based National Finals. And, the official game titles of WCG will consist of mobile games.
由于移动设备的发展,移动游戏(文章中一直提到的是Molibe Gamer,也就是说不仅仅是手机游戏,包括Pad类,甚至便携类的所有游戏,这个和外界传的手机游戏有所区别)玩家也将迅速的增加,在这样的情况下,主要的PC游戏厂商也会将它们的发展重心放到移动游戏上。