If you’re going to see the demo at the stage event, I may have to stop [before the end of the presentation] because of mistakes.
— 小島秀夫 (@Kojima_Hideo) September 15, 2013
— 小岛秀夫 (@Kojima_Hideo) 9月15日, 2013年
Oh my, the demo for the stage event is 100% more difficult. The behavior of the enemy is different every time, I can’t help it because I cannot predict it. I found out while playing that it’s not possible to pre-plan the presentation. If it was our own booth, extending the time would be possible on a case-by-case basis, but this time it’s not.
— 小島秀夫 (@Kojima_Hideo) September 15, 2013
— 小岛秀夫 (@Kojima_Hideo) 9月15日, 2013年