一款具有很多功能DSL modem和路由器驱动软件,可以充分使用你的ISDN和DSL连接。
-高级Traffic Shaping (通信量调整功能);
-用于DSL 调制解调器和路由器;
-与通用的 PPPoE 驱动器兼容;
-应答游戏以及例如 eMule,Kazaa 等的对等网络;
cFosSpeed 4.02 build 1312 -- 10-Aug-2007
! Added rx-priorisation. It works as follows:
Each class (high, default, low, lowest) has a weight assigned. Furthermore,
all TCP streams are mapped to a certain class (this only applies for bulk
data; e.g. ACKs are always sent out in the higher class), according to
filter rules. The class weight is used when TCP windows for rx-shaping are
computed. A TCP stream with weight 100 gets a window that is about 4 times
bigger than a stream with weight 25. This should *usually* translate into
more speed on that stream, but not necessarily (e.g. the sending server
might not be fast enough).
The pre-set weights are:
class high -weight 400
class default -weight 100
class low -weight 25
class lowest -weight 6
I.e. regular browser downloads (class default) should get about 16 times
the speed than Torrents (class lowest).
The weighting needs some time (some seconds) to be through, so a newly
created higher-than-average TCP stream needs these seconds to come to full
+ Now UDP checksums are checked as well.
+ New language: Russian. That makes a total of 17 languages supported.
+ Added "spd timerstyle" command to query (just "spd timerstyle"), set
"spd timerstyle " or list supported values ("spd timerstyle -?").
Changes to timerstyle are only active after a restart of cFosSpeed.
+ Added layer-7 protocols SSL_S_BULK, SSL_C_BULK and SSH_BULK. Switching
of sessions between bulk and regular mode is done automatically based
on speed and packet sizes. Thanks to ghorvath for inspiration.
+ Added gset variable fwlog. Setting it to 0 ("spd gset fwlog 0 -save")
will disable fwlog.txt logging of firewalled packets. Thanks to danny
for inspiration.
+ Straightened evaluation of which filter rules determine the class of a
connection. Now rules like -tcp-dport, etc. work as well. The third column
of a "spd filter" output is 'c' for rules that set the class.
+ "spd reset_budget" without specifying a budget number now resets the current
x Fixed warning that is displayed if too many connections cause rx-shaping
to be inefficient. It was displayed regardless of the number of
x Fixed a problem where downloads would be slowed too much. Thanks to FR.
x FTPS (FTP with SSL, FTP with TLS) command sessions are now identified
as FTPCMD in layer-7 detection. Thanks to ghorvath.
x Switching the medium no longer changes the shaping algorithm. This was
unintuitiv. If you want a different shaping algo (variable/fixed) you
now have to switch it manually.
- Streamlined some code in search of obnoxious "slow LAN copy" bug. Thanks
to Steve Coolen for his help.
- Module "ackfilter" is now disabled by default. Set "ackfilter=1" in
section [param] in cfosspeed.ini to enable it again. This does only
switch off the filtering of presumably superfluous TCP ACKs, not the
regular priorisation of TCP ACKs.
- cFosSpeed service is no longer flagged interactive. Please inform us if
something doesn't work as expected.
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