地图名称:TKoK -Eastern Kingdom
Uploaded: 21:20, 6th Oct 2009
Last Updated: 15:24, 25th Aug 2010
Type: Role Playing Game / RPG
Category: Medieval / Warcraft
Map Size: 192x224
Playable Map Size: 192x224
Suggested Players: 4-7
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Rating by users: 4.68 (69 votes)
Hits: 156176
3.0.4beta6 - The Secrets of the Barrens: Part 2 - The Ancient Orc Tomb
This is a public beta copy - see the notes below for the details
Welcome to Kaliron
What is TKoK? - TKoK (short for The Kingdom of Kaliron) is a multiplayer save/load RPG designed for 4 to 7 players that features many ground breaking systems to give you a whole new experience unlike most other RPGs for warcraft 3
Custom Hero Stat System - Each hero has 3 main stats (Power, Agility, Energy) and 8 sub stats (Strength, Constitution, Endurance, Dexterity, Reflexes, Intelligence, Wisdom, Spirit) which will effect all aspects of your hero. Each hero also has Attack Power, Attack Critical Chance, Attack Critical Power, Spell Power, Spell Critical Chance, Spell Critical Power, Dodge chance, and Block chance. All of these which are derived from your stats.
Playable Heroes - Currently available are the Arcanist, Pyromancer, Hydromancer, Warrior, Cleric, Chaotic Knight, Phantom Stalker, Ranger, Paladin, Barbarian, and the Shadowblade. The final hero will be added with the 3.1.0 patch (the Druid)
A Threat System - As seen in most RPG's that have an aggro/threat system, TKoK has something similar allowing the tanks to actually control the mobs and protect the rest of the party from damage.
Equipment System - TKoK has a full screen GUI inventory system for holding and equipping items for your hero
Talent Tree System - TKoK also has a full screen GUI talent tree system to teach your hero new abilities, improve the effects of the abilities, or improve the abilities directly.
Enemy Ability System - A dynamic enemy ability system that allows monsters to have completely custom scripted abilities that are dynamic
Scripted Mini bosses & Bosses - All monsters deemed a mini boss are now scripted events with boss like abilities that you will have to think and react to. This is a huge improvement from the 2.0 versions where mini bosses just hit harder and had more HP than normal monsters. Many new bosses have been added and even more to come
Bonus optional challenges - Something that we are calling VX mode (short for Vexcellent mode) offers extra hard challenges to players that seek them, with the rewards of bonus loot that normally wouldn't drop off that boss.
Broodmother - 'Ahh!! Spiders!' - Defeat the Broodmother without killing any of the eggs in phase 2
Narith the Fallen - 'Elemental Chaos' - Defeat Narith the Fallen after invoking VX mode (attack the shade until it is at 75% HP while not killing any of the containers)
Sand Golem - 'Snack Attack' - Defeat the Sand Golem without killing any of the Rock Shards that spawn.
Avnos - 'Die In a Fire' - Defeat Avnos after spawning the Flame Orb
Karnos - 'Frostbitten' - Defeat Karnos while he has 50 or more stacks of Frostbite
Saving / Loading - Like any Warcraft 3 multi-player map, this supports saving and loading via a password system
3.0.4beta6 Patch Notes - 8/25/10 - Public Beta Copy - FIXES
View Notes
Added the long overdue '-clear' command to clear the screen of text messages
General Bug Fixes
FINALLY found the cause for the random system breakage with timers. It is now corrected and things are functioning as intended again.
Fixed an issue with the new TimerUtils and OOC regen and the InCombatTimer. They will function as intended again
Fixed an incorrect index on Narith's VX loot table that could cause him not to drop an epic sometimes.
Finally fixed the Null Talk errors with some quest mobs that are not currently in use until later on
Fixed the item level requirement tooltip on the Broodmother items from level 10 to the proper level 8
Re-worked a few things and added checks for null variables with destructables and units for the Talking library (NPC interactions)
Fixed an unintentional bug with Talents and pre-reqs. If an ability requires 2 or more points and is a pre-req to another talent, you must now spent all points in that talent to get the other. (Basically an Improved Talent that requires 2 points now must have 2 points to get the Empowered talent)
If you are in the presence of a boss and the boss is Active, you are now always in combat
Karnos' Blizzard was not functioning as intended, making VX much harder (due to buff time out) and making the blizzard tick 2x as strong, this is corrected. You should now see overlapping blizzards as intended
Karavnos's complete buff list is now instantly cleared from players when you reset the fight or kill Karavnos
Upon dying, your Teleport Scroll location is now cleared.
The catacombs has been tweaked to reduce 'lag' even more. The catacombs now follows suit with the TOS and AOT in the respect that mobs do not spawn until you get near their spawn point. All spawn points are marked on the map with a ground effect.
Added Camp Fire to the game. Costs 75g for a stack of 3, lasts 25s. Can be placed at any time. The aura will restore 15% of your max health and mana pool every 3s to all those within 500 units of the Camp Fire and ONLY while out of combat.
Fixed a order of operations error with Watery Grave that caused the AOE explosion not to be calculated properly.
Watery Grave is now a base of 5s duration with a cooldown of 11s (up from 4s and 9s). Empowered now adds 2.5s to the duration (making the ability last 10s in total up from its old 8s)
Changes to Watery Grave: Base is now 8 with a coefficient of 30% (Up from 7 and 25%). On application it now ticks instantly (instead of waiting 1s for the first tick). Watery Grave now gains 5% more of its tick damage per tick (this extra damage does not stack with itself, its 5% more of the base tick not the last tick).
Watery Grave now properly explodes on unit death for the total damage it dealt up to that point as intended.
Fixed an issue with Soul Drain that caused it to heal the enemy for every ally in range instead of healing all the allies.
Reduced the healing effect of Soul Drain to a base of 2 with a 4% coefficient (down from 3 and 10%)
Reduced the damage of Timestrike to a base of 12 with a 20% coefficient (down from 15 and 35%)
歡迎來到 Kaliron 世界
*什麼是TKoK? - TKoK(The Kingdom of Kaliron的縮寫)是一個多人save/load 的RPG遊戲設計給4至名7玩家,具有許多突破性的系統給你一個全新的體驗不同於其他大多數魔獸爭霸3的 RPG。
Ø自定義英雄統計系統 - 每個英雄有3個主要屬性(力量,敏捷,能量)和8個子屬性(力量,憲法,耐力,敏捷,反應能力,智力,智慧,精神)的所有方面會影響你的英雄。每個英雄也有Attack Power, Attack Critical Chance, Attack Critical Power, Spell Power, Spell Critical Chance, Spell Critical Power, Dodge chance, Block chance.所有這些是來自您的屬性分配。
Ø可玩的英雄 - 目前可用的有Arcanist,Pyromancer,Hydromancer,戰士,僧侶,混沌騎士,幻影斯托克,遊俠,聖騎士,野蠻人,和Shadowblade。德魯伊將於3.1.0版本加入。
o仇恨系統 - 同許多mmorpg一樣(wow)tkok亦有類似的仇恨系統,TKoK的坦克職業可控制怪物仇恨,保護團隊免受怪物傷害。
Ø裝備系統 - TKoK有一個全屏幕圖形界面的裝備庫系統供你的英雄使用。
Ø天賦樹系統 - TKoK也有全屏幕圖形界面天賦樹系統,讓你的英雄學習新的技能,提高技能影響的能力,直接或改善技能。
Ø怪物技能的系統 - 一個動態系統,敵人可以完全隨機地使用技能。
Ø編定技能的小boss及boss - 所有怪物將被視作一個小boss或boss般會使用不同技能,你將不得不考慮並作出適當反應。
Ø可選擇的額外將勵挑戰模式(類似wow副本困難模式) - 這是我們稱之為 VX的模式( Vexcellent模式簡稱)提供了突難的模式,boss將掉落平常不會掉落的裝備 。
+育母蜘蛛 - 'Shit!又長腳又多毛核突蜘蛛' - 在第二階段不打掉任何育母蜘蛛的卵。
+ 墮落者Narith - '混沌元素' - 在把它的影子打到剩75%血量後殺死墮落者Narith 。
+沙魔像 - 'snack attack'- 在不打死任何Rock Shards的情況下打敗沙魔像。
+ Avnos - '葬身火海'- Avnos出現Flame Orb後打敗 Avnos。
+ Karnos - '凍傷' - 在Karnos還有50層或更多層Frostbite時擊敗他。
保存/加載 - 像任何魔獸 3多人地圖,由密碼系統支援save/load。